2009年3月31日 星期二

2009/03/31HW-My life so far

HW- My life so far Teacher: Nick 31st March 2009 By Nina Wang

If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn’t have lived in England for one year. My husband had a chace to come to study Master degree in the UK. If he had chosen to come to England alone, we wouldn’t have spent more money in our life. My parents would have liked me to stay with my children in Taiwan. They wanted us to save our money, because we had to take a loan from the bank for this study. Finaly, we chose to stop our job for one year, then we and our children studied English together. Now we live and studying English in the UK. That’s our drems. I knew that studying English is difficult for me. In my future, Iwould like to study English more. I would like to get a Phd about family education in my country. Then I can get more information in the world, and that would help children in my country. That’s great for me.

2009年3月27日 星期五

2009/03/26 HW- Movie: Miss Potter

HW- Movie: Miss Potter Teacher: Nick
26th Mar 2009 By Nina Wang

Miss Potter is a creative artist. She is a British writer, who wrote and created a series about Peter Rabbit stories. Her autobiography was made the movie. The movie is called Miss Potter. I saw the movie last month. Miss Potter’s story is gripping and electrifying.
When she’s young, she always had many creative ideas about animal stroies. She drew pictures in her creative ideas and wrote down many animal stories. She loved animals and talked about her creative stories with her friends, but her parents didn’t like it. Miss Potter never gave up her drawing. When she grew up the young lady, who wanted to publish her creation. Peter Rabbit’s story was the groundbreaking for her.
She published first a drawing masterpiece, the Peter Rabbit’s drawing novel was popular. She fell in love with a young publisher, but her parents didn’t like it. She still decided to marry him. At the moment, the young publisher got a terrible pneumonia and died. She was sad and decided to leave her parents, but she worried about money. When she checked her account in the bank, she got a breathtaking answer. The banker told her “ Miss Potter, your account has adequate money to buy many lands.” Then she decided to live Lake District in England, and continued her drawing.
She loved the Lake District, this place is natural and beautiful veiw. She bought many Lake District lands, and environmental protection. When she died, she donated all her land and house to her country, the UK. Now everyone can go sightseeing and see beautiful natural views in the Lake District. I think Miss Potter is an incomparable and environmental artist,and writer. Her outstanding creation, Peter Rabbit is still popular all over world.
Miss Potter’s life story touched my heart. I will plan to go to the Lake District, enjoy her story and her creation with my family. I believe my children love and enjoy it.

2009年3月25日 星期三

Monday, 16 March 2009

Teacher Charlie's Homework
Teacher Charlie's Homework part11)established what has been done and what still needs to be done to finish the magazine2)decided who will carry out tasks that need to be completed3)proofread your magazine to check for mistakes and make sure the work is all yours4)interviewed another student or member of staff about a topic of your choiceOur magazine was finished on last Friday. We checked our magazine that was written by ourselves. And we interviewed teacher Charlie, we asked some questions to him.Our interview is " Interveiw Charlie. mp4 ". [ I try to share online, but it isn't working , the film file is too big over 100M. Teacher Charlie's Homework part2You must post the following information on your blog:1)what your magazine was aboutWe wanted to give more information to new students about Nottingham City. Because when we first day came Nottingham, we don't know where we can go. So we topic is where you can go, and wrote life styles, shopping area, education, Robin hood's story, city of caves, and Green's windmill about Nottingham City. Finally, we interview our teacher, Charlie, about how to improve our English. 2)who worked in your groupSuad, Abdulrama, Francesco, and Nina is me.3)what you did in the groupWhat’s Life in Nottingham and Main shopping area (by Suad)About Nottingham Education - Trent University (by Abdulrama) Who is Robin Hood? (by Francesco)About City of Caves and Green’s Windmill (by Nina)Interveiw work (by Francesco and Nina)4)what were the advantages and disadvantages of working collaboratively and cooperatively with the others in your groupI think our advantages are we can learn more English by teamwork.I think our disadvantage are we hadn't free time to talk about our project, and we are forigners made magazine quite difficult.Our teamwork are collaboratively, we chose big topic then everyone chose small topic to write and search website information to link together. And I like to use computer skills to made our magazine. Finally, we finished. 5)what you enjoyed and what you didn’t enjoy about the projectI enjoyed our project, because I know if I finished I can learn more English. That's different English learing. Although I hadn't free time to write and I tired, but I enjoy it. And now I have a English Blog. I try to write my eassy and read Charlie's blog and another student's blog. I know more how to improve my English information. The students blog share more information about IELTS text and improve speaking, listening, reading, and writting experience. That's useful. 6)what you learned from the experience of working on this projectI learned more skills on this project. When we did this project, I learned speaking, listening, reading, writting , and use computer skills. I needed to talk and listen my classmates to choose our topic when we was working together. I needed to read information on website and write down my eassy in our magazine by myself. Then I used my computer to link our small topic together, and to make professional magazine. It's quite difficult, because we have no free time and we are foreigners. 7)how you think it could be improved in futureI think about my blog, maybe I can write down my eassys in England. I think about I maybe to link my student's blog in the future, and open the topic to push my students write and discuss. That's will be interesting.
Posted by NinaWangBlog at 14:22 1 comments
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Thursday, 12 March 2009

Hello Welcome to NinaWang's Blog
Hi, my name is Nina Wang, I'm from Taiwan.I'm studying English in Nottingham, at ILS school.I've lived here for six month with my family.I've two children, they are pupils, five and seven years old.I'm enjoying my English life.Nice to meet you in my blog.

2009年3月24日 星期二

2009/0324 HW- People live to 100

24 March 2009 homework--Teacher Nick
A society in which many people live to 100 is undesirable discuss
By Nina Wang

Everyone will have long lifes in the future. Medical advances can help everyone to enjoy their lifes. We could expect to see world’s people to have longer lifes. If everyone has longer life, and first question is how to plan longer life in the future. That’s a good idea for people.

People have longer lifes, they have many advantages. They will have much time for travel, follow their dreams, join sport activities, study what they want to study, and enjoy life with their children or grandchildren. If people want to enjoy a longer life to do something, that should be have best health body in ther future.

Conversely, people have many disadvantages about longer life. They need to pay much money to their healthcare, no job opportunities, and low quality of life. If people no best health body and no plan in longer life, they maybe bored about their hutrue life.

Eeveyone will be old, and what longer life in ther future. I always worry about my parents and my husband’s parents are old. I need to take care of my children and them. If they have good health that’s great. But if not best, I need to take care them, because they need many healthcare costs. Then my country children must responsible to take care of old parents. That may cause stress in my future.

2009/03/01 HW-Write about your trip and what you found out about Islam

HW: Write about your trip and what you found out about Islam
by Nina Wang 1st March 2009

When Charlie gave us a paper about Islam, I knew Islam was a major world religion, with over 1 billion followers worldwide (1/5 of the world population). Wow, it’s big number. I had never seen the Muslim about Islam. When I came to England, I saw many different racial and many Muslims in here. In my experience, Chinese and Taiwanese religion are Buddha. So I’m a Buddhist. Today we had a chance to know about the Islam.
I prepared some qustions, becasue I was so nervous. I always worried about my speaking and listening. But I thought this trip is good for me. I spoke to three different people, Amina, Halimah, Susu. They come from different countrys. One of the girl come from China. I can’t believe it, because nobody is Muslim in China. She told us she became a Muslism for eight month in England. And she had wearing headscarf on her head all the time. She said it was a religious obligation for Muslim women for modesty reasons. And Islam’s God is Allah, Allah told all Muslim need peace and control desire. So all the women need to wear handscarf on her head when she goes to outside.
I knew many rules about Islam. Another girl told me each Muslim women have a Muslim man guardian. Usually the guardian is the girl’s father. If the girl’s father died, her guardian is her brother. If the girl got married, her guardian is her husband. All the Muslim have extreme religion, they have obligations and doing Ramadan to their life. They don’t get married with non-Muslims. And men and women are different rules. Men and Women seperate a place in the Mosque.
I think different coutries have different cultures, and all the religion in the world, purpose is peace. But I don’t like radical and extreme religion in my life. So I think I will never be a Muslim, becuase they have many rules to women. I really don’t like these manners. But I think everyone has a religion is good.

Teacher Charlie said:
This is a very informative piece of writing. You’ve included a lot of good points. Make sure you use past tenses as you are writing about the past. Also, try to divide the first paragraph into another paragraph as you are talking about two ideas.


1) 一般病情:
He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他覺得頭痛、噁心和想吐。)
He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)
He began to feel tired. (他感到疲倦。)
He feels light-headed. (他覺得頭暈。)
Her head is pounding. (她頭痛。)
He has been lacking in energy. (他感到虛弱。)
He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他覺得昏昏欲睡,頭暈目眩和想吐。)
He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他發覺聽力差些。)

2) 傷風感冒:
He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽帶有綠黃色的痰。)
He has been sneezing. (他一直在打噴嚏。)
He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (他有發燒,筋骨痠痛和常常咳嗽。) (hacking = constant)
He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他傷風咳嗽。)
He has a headache, aching bones and joints. (他頭痛,骨頭、關節也痛。)
He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. (他聲音嘶啞,有時失聲。)
He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。)

3) 手腳毛病:
His both hands and feet ache all over. (他兩手兩腳都很痠痛。)
His ankles look puffy. (他的足踝好像腫了)
He is troubled with painful muscles and joints. (他的筋骨和關節都痛。)

4) 睡眠不好:
He is sleeping poorly.(他睡不好)
He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate.(他不易入睡,也難集中精神。)
He has nightmares occasionally.(他有時做噩夢。)

5) 呼吸方面:
His breathing has become increasingly difficult.(他呼吸越來越困難。)
His cough is dry, producing no phlegm.(他乾咳。)
His nose stuffed up.(他鼻子不通。)
He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating.(他胸部覺得悶悶的,好像透不過氣來。)

He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齒有問題。)
The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時,牙齒就痛。)
His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床紅腫。)
There are cracks at the corners of his mouth. (他的嘴角落破了。)

7) 腸胃毛病:
He has bouts of abdominal pain. (他有一陣陣的肚痛。)
He feels bloated in his abdominal area. (他感到肚子脹脹的。)
(註:脹脹的,像「puff up」,但不是真正的腫「swell up」。)
He has nausea and vomiting. (他有惡心和嘔吐。)
He has passed more gas than usual. (他放…比平常多。)
He has been constipated for a few days. (他便秘了好幾天。)
He has trouble with diarrhea. (他拉肚子。)

8) 血壓等等:
His blood pressure is really up. (他的血壓很高。)
He has a sharp pain in one area of his spine. (他的脊椎某部位刺痛。)
His vision in the right eye blurred. (他右眼視線模糊不清。)
He has a repeated buzzing or other noises in his ears. (他耳朵常有嗡嗡的聲音。)

2009/2/25 Homework- Chinese New Year

Homework Chinese New Year by Nina Wang [from Taiwan] 25th Feb 2009

Taiwan is a democratic country, China is a communist country, although China and Taiwan are different countrys, we use the same language and life style. Becasue we are the same country before one hundred years. If I introduce about Taiwan’s traditional holiday, I would introduce Chinese New Year. Chinese New year is big holiday in my country. And we usually celebate 15 days about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese eat traditional dinner with family together and stay up all night on New Year's Eve. We eat traditional food on New Year, such as rice cakes, spring rolls, dumplings, and rice glue balls etc. And each food has a good fortune symbol of Chinese New Year. Every Chinese children hope to get red envelops, because the red envelop is a money gift. We use twelve animals to count 12 traditional years cycle. And this year is Ox year. Chinese use 12 animals count our ages. I am a Tiger, because I was born in Tiger year. Each animal has a different personality and different characteristics. That’s interesting.
The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the end of Chinese New year celebration. This day we call Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival is a China’s traditional festival. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.

2008/10/27 Children have one week holiday

Children have one week holiday 27 Oct 2008 Nina

This week I am busy, because primary students have one week holiday in Nottingham. I don’t understand why children have so many holidays. I feel England’s children are always happy. I have a question, If parents do work who take care of children. I and my husband must go to school every day. And we don’t have any holiday this week. My husband and I must take days off to take care of our children.

In my country children don’t have so many holidays. Parents must work all day, so children study all day at school. Such as primary course is different, our children need do homework every day, and carry a big schoolbag to school. In England I never see children carry big schoolbags. England’s children don’t have any stress. In Taiwan, everybody always studies hard and works hard all day. I don’t know if this is good or bad for children.

My son looks happy this week, he can play everyday at home. But my daughter is sick. I worry about her, because she gets enterogastritis. I take care of her all night. But she is still sick. I and my husband take turns to care for her. I hope my daughter will get well. In England, see a doctor was inconvenient.

2008/10/26 My busy weekend

My busy weekend 26 Oct 2008 Nina

This weekend I and my family visited York City and Nottingham Castle. We woke up early on Saturday morning. We took two buses to meet at Nottingham University. The coach left for York at 9am. It took two and a helf hours to get to York. York City is beautiful and populous city so many people visited here. The old city wall goes around all the York city. And so many red double-deck buses and many people on York city streets. We saw York Minster, walked under the walls, looked around the National railway museum, and paid£24 to ride on the big wheel in the National railway museum. There are so many ancient buildings there. Then we took 320 photos for souvenirs.

We visited Nottingham Castle on Sunday afternoon, because the City council were having Robin Hood’s pageant in Nottingham Castle. My children were so excited to go there. There are archery, Robin’s story house, play stall, museum, play ground in there. My son and daughter were first to shoot arrows at the play stall. We were to learn many Robin’s story and photo memories. But this weekend we were busy all weekend.

2008/11/25 About my ten years

About my ten years 25Nov 2008 Nina

Ten years is a long time. Ten years maybe change a person’s whole life. Today, we discusied and think about our ten years ago in our class. It’s interesting for me. I thought about my ten years. That’s magic. A young girl became a wife. A wife became a mother. And now I have a beautiful house, a warm husband, and two lovely children in my family. That’s incredible.

I was a young girl and single ten years ago. I started a staff job at high school in 1996. I passed the masters exam, so I started my master degree course in 1998. And I left my job and studied my course. Next year, I met my husband at the same high school since 1999. And we got married on 4 December 1999. I finished my masters degree course and education course. I got the teacher licence and master graduated certificate of child welfare at Chinese Culture University in 2000. When I graduated, I became a counselling teacher in high school. I designed the course and guided my students to think about their career. And sometimes if students had some bad emotion or question then they could tell me. I can help them as much as possible. I thought my job was interesting for me, because everybody told me their question. Sometimes they told about their parents, friends, emotions, lovers, and studies problems. There are different and many kinds of stories. I like to listen to their stories and help them.

Since 1999 we got married. After two years, I became pregnancy. In the same year, we had a boy in December 2001. At that time, I always worried about how to care for him. I can’t believe I’m a mother. And I worried I can’t became the good mother. Next two years, we got the second baby, she is a pretty girl. Next year we bought a beautiful house. We worked hard every day, when we had two children. We saved some money, and we have a plan, we took a break just one year to study in the UK. Then I can’t believe we stay here now. I like change my life, because each changing makes me improved.

We prepared many things one year ago, when we decided to study in the UK. First, my husband must pass the IELTS exam, then he applied for a master course in Nottingham University. And he came to Nottingham in July. He must rent a new house in August in Nottingham. Then he applied to the children’s school and my language school. We brought two children came to England. So we needed many things sent to our house in Nottingham. I sent 23 boxes to England for us by post office in August. This summer I cleaned my house in Taiwan, and checked everything. Then I took my children by aeroplane at 19 September. Our children adapted to nursery and primary life for two weeks. I started my language course in October. And now we enjoy our life in the UK.
1996 I got a job
1998 I passed master exam
1999 I got married
2000 I got master degree
2001 I got my son
2003 I got my daughter
2004 we bought a house
2008 we live in the UK

I look back at my ten years. My life has so many changes. I’m really lucky. I have good memories and each change to touch my heart.
[ I took three hours to write this essay.]

2008/11/24 An Exam in Pre-intermediate course

An Exam in ILS Pre-intermediate course 24 Nov 2008 Nina

Last Wednesday, my pre-intermediate course teacher told us,” we will have an exam next Monday”. This exam’s goal was helped all students to know their study situation by themselves. Another goal was to help the teacher to know all the students situations. At that time, I was a little worried, but I know this exam can help me improve. So I revised hard and practiced repeatedly the all lessons. I hope I can get a great score, and upgrade to intermediate. If I study the intermediate course, I know it would be difficult. So I must study hard every day.

And now I’m happy, because our exam was finished this morning. Then I got ten mistakes in the exam. I found the answer and know how to write. I hope I’m going to write better sentences. Many thanks to my teacher, Audrey. She always is patient and friendly with all students. I’m so lucky and enjoy my class. And now I have studied the course for seven weeks. I have become an old student. Sometimes I saw new classmates who entered our class. I remembered seven weeks ago. I entered the new class, I had no friends and I spoke a little English. Now I have some good friends in this class, speak more English with my friends, and write an essay. I’m improving my English in life.

My teacher, Audrey gave me some suggestions to improve my English. She suggest I read and speak as much as possible in English. I can read newspapers and websites every day. Try to speak English with my family at home. Also, watch TV and DVD’s. I think she is right. I must change my habit. So I’m going to plan to change my life habit. I try to carry out it. This is my plan.

Listening in MP3 about English grammar. When I pick up my children.
Go to mall: Try to know more various food and stuff in mall
Memorise vocabulary: 10 new words every day
Speak English with my husband at home

I try to carry this out one month. I think I will improved my English. I’m going to try it.

Teacher said:
You are a very good, well organized student Nina!

2008/10/23 My poor bicycle

My poor bicycle 23 Oct 2008 Nina

My family and I came to England for one month. First, I saw many people are friendly and polite. I enjoy my new life in the UK. What’s happened to change my mind? Well, let me tell my poor bicycle story. This event happened two days ago. That afternoon I saw two children smoking a cigarette outside my house gate at 4pm. I felt those two young guys were bad guys. Because they look like high-grade primary students but they smoke a cigarette. At that time I was picking my children up from the primary school to go home. And locked my bicycle to a railing. I took my children to the play ground in front of my house. In half an hour, we went back home. I saw those two guys leaving my house gate. I saw my bicycle fall down on the floor. Then my bicycle saddle was stolen. I was so sad and angry. I don’t know why it happened. I can’t believe my bicycle saddle was stolen.

That’s terrible. Because I need my bicycle to buy something and go to my school everyday. It’s inconvenient for me. Next day, my husband found a bicycle shop in the City Centre. We spent £40 to fix my bicycle. It’s expensive. Forty dollars can buy a new bicycle in Taiwan. I can’t believe in England everything was so expensive. My husband gave me some advice, safety is more important than money.

2008/10/22 Free time in Taiwan

FREE TIME IN TAIWAN 22 OCT 2008 homework by NINA

Weekends are for many people to enjoy relaxing in Taiwan. Taiwan is a beautiful island in Asia. Taiwan has six national parks. At the weekend, many people can go hiking or watch the sunrise in the national park. People who in Taipei city often travel outside to countryside farms , go shopping in Taipei 1O1 building, or see a movie in Simenting street.

At night, if people are hungry, usually they could go to night a market to eat delicacies, such as Stinky tofu, Oyster omelette, it's tastes yummy. Have you ever eaten Taiwan's food? Try some next time. And then, If you live in the big city, usually you can go anywhere by the Rapid Transit System.

The baseball game is very popular, because New York Yankees Team has a Taiwanese member, Chien-Ming Wang. Most people are his fans, and everybody has fun, enjoy watching the game and reading about his news. Afterwards, younger people go to the baseball field to play baseball games.

2009/1 Teacher give me suggestion

Dear Audrey
Sorry, this essay is so long. I took all the weekday to write. I think write down to help me improve my English. Thank you very much. You always patient and care me.
Another lucky thing, when I came back to ILS school, and I saw my teacher is Audrey. I have felt happy and lucky. I enjoy studying English now. I like my ILS course, because I have a great teacher, Audrey. That’s fantastic. I really like you so much. ^_^

Happy new year. [ Chinese new year not yet. ]
Teacher said:
VT. = verb tense. Check your tenses Nina- past or present?
WWF = wrong word form( Adjective or adverb or noun? )
VA. = verb agreement ( singular or plural?)

Thank you Nina.
What an interesting time you had! And so many fantastic memories to take home.
It took me a long time to mark so the sweets were very much appreciated.

PTO. à

Your writing is improving. Well done.
1) Be very careful with verb tenses. This in probably your biggest problem when you write about the past.
2) Don’t forget articles ‘a’ and ‘the’
3) VA. Verb agreement
e.g. If the subject is plural the verb must agree
[plural] The people have
Not [singular] The people has

2008/10/21 Have a trip

Have a trip 21 Oct 2008 Nina

England is a beautiful island, I have never been to England before. I came to Nottingham City three weeks ago with my family. We have a chance to come to England and live in Nottingham City until next August. So I was happy to learn English in ILS Language school. But we have never been to another city in England, we just know Nottingham City.

Well. We are going to York on a trip with my family this Saturday. My husband’s University Language centre is having a trip ,so we apply it. There are four people in my family, I , my husband, and our two young children. We pay £40 for this trip. We have never visited York. I saw a travel book about introduce England yesterday. I saw many pictures in the travel book which have York Minster, the Wall, Clifford’s Tower, York Castle Museum, National Railway Museum in there. I was excited to visit York after I read the book.

Then I talked to my children, they are happy to visit York. This trip is our first trip in England. So we will bring two cameras and a lot of food in our trip. And we are going to visit York on our first trip. We hope the weather will be good this Saturday. Give us a good memory of the trip.

2008/12/19 Show and tell

Show and tell 19 DEC 2008 Nina

Chinese new year message
富貴 /fu gui/ wealth and social position
平安/ping an/ safe and well; peaceful
福 /fu/ this word means good fortune. Chinese always use this word to bless you.
春 /chun/ this word means spring. Chinese New Year comes before spring season. Chinese like to use this word for wish of spring season coming.
吉祥如意 /ji xiang ru yi/ These words mean good luck and happiness for you.
Chinese really like these words to bless all friends.
賀歲 /he sui / these words mean happy new year.
Chinese like to use these words on red envelops.
新年快樂 / xin nian kuai le/ these words mean happy new year.

紅包/hong bao/ a cash gift
We used to give a cash gift congratulation. Such as someone’s baby was born, attend someone’s a wedding , celebrate someone’s birthday, celebrate someone bought a new house, and celebrate Chinese new year. We put cash on the red envelop to give your friend.

筷子/ kuai zi/ chopsticks
Chinese use chopsticks to eat food every day. If you have a Chinese friend or you went to Chinese restaurants, you can see chopsticks.

扇子/shan zi/ a fan
You can use a fan when the weather is hot. But Chinese culture we use a fan when your daughter got married. When a wedding car leave house, the bride throw a fan on car’s window. That mean your daughter have got married.

開心果 / kai xin guo/
We like bought this bean in Chinese new year. That mean if you eat this bean, you can happy all year.

清明上河圖/qing ming shang he tu/
This painting is very famous Chinese painting. This painting is very long painting. Record Chinese traditional lifestyle one thousand year ago.

One hundred year ago
a democratic state communistic society

2008/11/18 Homework Write a film review--Just Like Heaven

[Homework] Write a film review—Just Like Heaven 18 Nov 2008 Nina

My husband and I saw the film last Wednesday night. I try to write the film review.
Films directed by Mark Waters
Just like Heaven is a romantic comedy film in 2005, in the U.S. and Canada.
Set in San Francisco, it stars Reese Witherspoon as Elizabeth, Mark Ruffalo as David.
The film tells the story of the young doctor, Elizabeth. She works her whole life. One day she was worked over 24 hours, and her manager told to her, she needed holiday break. Unfortunately she was involved in a car accident. David moves into her apartment. He is a landscape architect, and he always remembered his death of wife. Three months later, Elizabeth appears to David at the apartment. Though seemingly a normal person, but she has ghostly. When they meet, they are both surprised. David is the only one who can see Elizabeth. She does not remember anything of her life, and refuses to believe that she is dead. She and David find out who she is, what happened to her, and why they are connected. Eventually, they find that her body is in a coma in the hospital. Elizabeth and David have fallen in love just in time. However, she wake up in the hospital, but she doesn't remember anything that happened during the coma or any of the events with David, which leaves him heartbroken. After few days, Elizabeth goes up to her roof and sees David, he was finished the garden there. When their hands touch, her memory is restored, and they kiss. That’s a romantic.
Describing a film
1. The film is called Just like Heaven.
2. It is a romantic, fantasy, ghost, comedy film.
3. It is Directed by Mark Waters.
4. It stars Reese Witherspoon as Elizabeth, Mark Ruffalo as David.
5. It is set in San Francisco.
6. It is about two Americans who meet our apartment. One is a ghost but not death, and they solve problems, then they fall in love. Eventually, they meet together.
7. It’s frightening, funny, exciting, unusual, fascinating in the film.
8. If you like “feel good movies”, I can highly recommend this one.

2008/11/15 Special Lunch time with my classmates

Special Lunch time with my classmates 15 Nov 2008 Nina

I have never visited Saudi Arabia, but I have a chance to meet two Arabians in the UK. They are my classmates in my language school, and their names are Maryam and Najwa. This week my classmates invited me to their house and we ate lunch together this Saturday. I was so excited to visit their house, because they are from Saudi Arabia. I thought I should prepare a gift and some Taiwan’s food for my friends. Then I prepared one cake and two chopsticks for them. And I made four dishes, tea eggs, black mushroom chicken soup, green onion pancake and potato star by myself. I hoped this lunch time will be great.

I don’t understand Saudi Arabia’s culture, so I searched some information online last night. I know Saudi Arabia’s women are conservative after I looked. If Arabia’s women go outside, they must wear a “Abaya” and their face must be covered except eyes. There are many rules for women in Saudi Arabia, such us don’t work, don’t drive, take photos, and don’t have a party with men. Men and women are different in Saudi Arabia. If I don’t search about Arabia online, I don’t know anything. That’s a special country for me.

This morning my children and I took buses to my friend’s house. When we got into the house, a friendly and pretty woman said hallo to us. But she wore plain dress and looked great. I felt embarrassed, because I didn’t recognize she was Maryam. Oh! She looked pretty and different before I know that. Najwa told me, they don’t wear “Abaya” at home. They used a big tablecloth on the floor in living room. And they prepared all dishes on the big tablecloth. They told me, their county’s people use a tablecloth on the living room floor when they eat a meal. We looked like a picnic in the living room. That’s different in my country. My country’s people use a table, when we eat a meal. We enjoyed our meal and happily. Then we talked something about different country things. We walked in the forest park behind the house after lunch time. We had a great time and wonderful memory, because everything were interesting for me.

Saudi Arabia is a special country for me. Because I never ate Arabia’s food and I never saw my classmates face before. Today I tasted Saudi Arabia’s “Kabsa”, I know some Saudi Arabia things and I saw my classmates face, that’s special. I came to Nottingham City six weeks ago. I don’t know any friends, because I always worried about my speaking. But today I have a chance to use English with my friends. That’s a different way to study English, and we enjoyed it. This lunch time was great for us.

2008/11/9 This week something happened

This week something happened 9 Nov 2008 Nina

This week something happened in my life. First, my husband’s bicycle was stolen in our parking area this Monday. My two Taiwan friend’s houses were burgled this Monday night. They lost more money, three computers, two cameras, two MP3, and two electronic dictionaries. Their house door broke a few days before, and they told their landlord. Their landlord just said “don’t worry this house is safe.” Then after one day they were burgled. They told the policeman, but the police just says be careful by themselves. I worried about my family’s safety in Nottingham city. Because it is a shock to me.

Second, my son always told me, some older students hit and kicked him at lunch time break on Tuesday. I told his teacher twice, but his teacher just said “don’t worry, that’s children play.” I worried again, so I watched my son at primary school at lunch time on Wednesday. I saw many students ran in the playground after lunch. And older students ran and pushed somebody, like children’s play. But this play is dangerous. My son told me, the same older student pushes and hits him every day. I saw that child again, then just said hello to him. He saw me, than he didn’t push any other young students. I still worry about my son, so I went to primary school at lunch time every day. That’s a good opportunity, I think maybe I can learn English conversation with the pupil every day.

Third, this week we had a substitute teacher, because Audrey teacher had a holiday for two weeks. Oh! I and my classmates miss Audrey, we hope our teacher comes back soon. This week I was unhappy in class, because I got a few English. This week studying English is bored, we just read some paper and wrote question papers. Our speaking time was few, I and my classmates to tired of this weeks class. So I worried my English don’t improve, because I just study English course every morning. And I have studied English in ILS language centre for one month, but our teacher often changes. I really worried about my English conversation. I have no English friend in there, and I don’t have so many friends to speak English. I just speak with my classmates every morning. Now I listen to English program in my MP3. Write some sentences with me. I hope Audrey comes back quick. Because I miss her, she is nice teacher.

Finally, my husband and I sauntered in the forest recreation with our children on Saturday. We saw beautiful scenery, many squirrels, and many people do exercise in the grassland. We took some photos for memories. I think everybody sometimes ups

2008/12/7 My happy month

My happy month 07 DEC 2008 Nina

December is my favorite month, because this month has many anniversary and holidays for me. My daughter’s 5 years old birthday is 1st Dec. My wedding anniversary is 4Th Dec for nine years. My son’s 7 years old birthday is 5th Dec. Each year has Christmas on 25th Dec. The end day in year 31st Dec usually have many celebrate activities. And this year we live in the UK. We celebrate in there, that’s different for us. My family and I went to Lincoln Christmas Market know Britain how to celebrate Christmas holiday on 6th Dec. We planned this trip and we so excited.
I know a new friend in the ILS language school two weeks ago. She is a mother from China. She very liked to chat with me, because she never friends in the UK. I was her first friend can use china language friend. She always friendly for me, and invited me and my family to her house ate a dinner last Saturday. She drove a car carried us. She cooked Chinese dinner for us with her family. We chatted about Chinese culture, Taiwan’s culture, traveling, studying English, lived in the UK, and her son. She just one time each year visited England. And this year, she retired her job. She came to Nottingham to help her son. Her son has lived in the UK 9 years ago, when he is 15. And now, he is a master student in Nottingham University. He was preparing apply for PHD degree after he graduate. And his girlfriend got a new job one month ago. So he needed his mother to help him. My husband is a master student in Nottingham University too. So they chat about study course so happily. We talked all evening and we became to best friends. Then we went to Lincoln Christmas Market together this Saturday.
I got information about Lincoln Christmas Market. There are 300 stalls in here. This Christmas Market just open 4 days each year. We so excited to visit Lincoln. I thought we will feel different Christmas in the UK. We took one hour to arrive in Lincoln. We stroll around the streets. So many people walked on Lincoln streets. I first saw many England people in the UK, that’s crowed. I saw many stalls in here. And they sold different Christmas gifts in the stalls. Such as crafts, cards, potteries, Teddy Bears, Christmas trees, and many decoration for Christmas. We walked into Lincoln Church, it was a beautiful and big church. We saw special building and a old organ in the middle church. And we sat chairs and listened choral song, that’s fantastic. I love Christmas market. We took 6 hours by walk on the Lincoln’s streets. We was tired but it was worth.
England’s Christmas look like Britain important holiday, that’s like Chinese New Year holiday. Chinese prepared some gifts and red envelopes include money to send family and friends. Chinese usually had big family members. And all Chinese ate special dinner with the family members together on Chinese Eve. Then 1st Chinese New year, the family usually went to the temple pray for peaceful all new year, but Britain usually went to church. Chinese New Year usually on January, that’s different in the UK. Although, we had different celebrate ways, but we often with our family got together, and ate special dinner the same. That’s interesting.

2008/11/1 Children's Holiday in Nottingham

Children’s Holiday in Nottingham 01 Nov 2008 Nina

This week is children’s holiday in Nottingham. I and my husband had to take off days, then take care our children this week. On this Tuesday morning we took my daughter to saw a doctor, because my daughter got a enterogastritis. The doctor write out a prescription. She slept four days in her bed and not ate anything just drink some water. I worried about her health, she just four years old. I made some light food for her. On this Friday she ate some foods then felt better. And now she looked better. So we stay in all the week.

Today I make bread by myself. This is my first time make bread. We miss pineapple-bread in Taiwan. So I tried to make it. We spent six hour to finish. My son and daughter eat happily. There are many kinds of bread in our country barky, if we want to eat bread just go to barky on the street. It’s convenient to us. In England, it’s inconvenient to buy food. Eating restaurant food is expensive to us. So I tried to make any food in England. I have made dumplings, cookies, cakes, bread, sandwich, egg cake, hamburger. We have many 24hours convenience stores in Taiwan. We just go to the convenience store on the street, we can buy any food. I have more first experience in England live. That’s unforgettable to us.

2008/12/27--2009/1/4 Soctland Traveling

Visit My Taiwanese Friend –Scotland traveling 11 Jan 2009 Nina Wang

My family and I went to Scotland from 27th Dec 2008 to 4th Jan 2009. We visited our friend, Allen Yen. He and his family are Taiwanese, they moved to Scotland ten years ago. They had lived in Glasgow and they have a beautiful house. Allen is a manager in Glasgow’s biggest shopping centre. His wife’s name is May, she is a staff in the same shopping centre. And their two sons are Edinburgh University students, one is Master another is PHD students. They are warm-hearted and friendly to us. We stayed 9 days in Scotland. My family and I are four people. We lived in his house for 8 days. Allen is a warm-hearted man, he took five days off and drove his car to take us to Highland, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. He introduced Scotland culture and the UK flag makes up three flags. He told us a lot about Scotland and England, which are interesting for us.

27th Dec 2008 Glasgow
We first had long trip by trains. We booked train tickets one month ago. I can’t believe this trip we got 24 tickets and we needed to change 8 trains. This day was our first day to Glasgow by train. We were so excited about this long trip. We woke up early first day, because we didn’t a miss our trains. When we saw British train, we was excited. We took many photos about trains and train stations. British trains are great, because have many tables inside the train. We never saw the table in the train before. And we saw many passengers using computers and eating food on the table. That’s interesting. We took 7 hours and we changed 3 trains, then we arrived in Glasgow.
Allen’s family and my family had first dinner together. We ate a chafing dish. Chafing dish is a famous Chinese dish. We usually put many slices of beef, many slices of pork, different kinds of vegetable, and meat balls on the soup. If we want to eat, usually we use Chinese style barbecue sauce. That’s delicious food for us. Then we talked about Allen’s family in Scotland stories and we planned to visit places tomorrow. We decided to visit Highland, because Highland is far. And usually daytime is short in the winter. So we must wake up early tomorrow.

28th Dec 2008 Highland Loch Lomond Lake
Second day, we went to Highland from Glasgow. Allen drove his car to take us. He took us to highland. We saw many sheep on the field, Loch Lomond, and many highland mountains. We looked around the Lake. That’s the beautiful view. I saw many hotels and B&B in the Lake along. Allen said many tourists to enjoy this Lake view in the summer time. We saw many ducks, geese, sea gulls, and small ships on the Lake. We looked around small shops along the Lake. Loch Lomond is beautiful and the weather was great. We are so lucky. Then we went to see Highland mountains after Loch Lomond Lake. We went home after the sunset .

29th Dec 2008 Stirling Monument
Third day, we went to the Stirling Monument. It is the very tall castle. I never saw the very tall castle before in the UK. I can’t believe ex-britain how to make this building, because this castle is very tall. That’s so smart and perfect. Now we had a chance to go into the castle. When we went into the ground floor, we saw the stairs are very small. And I never saw small circle stairs in any castles. In English, they call them “ spiral staircases”. It’s cool and different. We visited each floor along spiral staircases. My daughter said “did a princess live here?”. I talked to her, maybe we went to top floor, and you can see a princess. Ha-ha. She concentrated to go top, but we never saw any princess. But we saw beautiful view, and we took many photos on the top floor. That’s the great day.

30th Dec 2008 Glasgow University and Royal botanical garden
Forth day, we visited Glasgow University and Royal botanical garden. The Glasgow University is the old University, and there are many old buildings here. Allen said a Taiwanese man had studied in Glasgow University a long time ago. Then the Man came back to Taiwan and became a business boss. The man took many much money to make a University in Taiwan. He made the University gate the same as Glasgow University, because the boss missed his study life in Glasgow. When he came back and became rich, he donated many money in the education. I think he is a generous and caring man.
The campus is very big, we looked around two hours. And we took many photos and played with birds in the campus. Then we went to Royal botanical garden.
The Royal botanical garden is the big garden in Glasgow. The garden has many different plants from different countries in the world. I saw a plant from Taiwan, but I never saw this plant in Taiwan before. That’s interesting.

31st Dec 2008 Countdown at the midnight and visit the Edinburgh BRITANNIA
Fifth day, Allen drove his car to take us to his son’s flat in Edinburgh. This day we lived in Edinburgh with Allen’s two sons. We want to Edinburgh city centre to countdown at midnight. We saw many people walking on the Prince Street in Edinburgh. They prepared to countdown at the midnight. We got early, and we visited the Royal Yacht Britannia on 11a.m. The Royal Yacht Britannia is the big and gorgeous yacht, because this ship is own for Queen Elizabeth. We saw many Royal family’s pictures and listened about the yacht stories in the Royal Yacht. The Queen used to travel by the Royal Yacht with her family to visit different countries in the world.
The yacht has a master's cabin, a captain suite, a large living rooms for many distinguished guests, many beautiful suites for Queen and her family, many small rooms for ship's corporals, a large kitchen room, a butler's pantry, a large and gorgeous restaurant, a clinic, an operation room, a big wash room, two bars, many toilets, many life boats on the boat both sides, a big boat-deck, and an antique car. That’s sumptuous. I thought the nobles in Britain usually different commoner’s life. The nobles usually have much money and extravagant life. I saw any Queen’s family room is larger than a master's cabin. The captain’s suite is bigger than a corporal’s room. Unbelievable, corporal’s bed is really small. If a corporal went to bed, I think he would need to roll his body. The yacht kept on some corporal’s family picture in the corporal’s room. I believe they really missed their family when they was working on the Royal Yacht. I feel I’m so lucky, because I live with my family.
At midnight, we saw many young people walking on the Edinburgh city centre. I’m so astonished, because each young people took more wine bottles to see the fireworks and countdown at the midnight. We saw many policemen and many drinkers on all the Prince Street. That’s scarey for us. I thought it’s dangerous, because we took two children in this place. After, we walked to back to our place. We saw our window and sat down in our living room countdown at the midnight. We saw firework just ten minutes. This is my first countdown went around out in the city. But I felt very dangerous and noisy. Everywhere we can see broken wine bottles, garbage, drinkers, policemen, and police cars.
Now young people are different than before. They are crazy, noisy, loud, make garbage, and unrespectable. I saw the news in France when I read a newspaper. The young people broke cars at parking area, because they were happy when they were countdown at the midnight in France. That’s unbelievable. I am really worried about young people. And I am worried about me, when I’m old what kind of the world on the earth. Now, I’m a teacher, but how can I teach my students and my children. Everything became quickly in the world.

1st Jan 2009 Edinburgh Castle
Sixth day, we visited the Edinburgh Castle and looked around the fair on West Princes Street Gardens. Edinburgh Castle is a famous place in Scotland. That is five stars a castle. This castle is large and is an old Castle on the hill. The Castle looks like the small town. I saw a castle in many movies before, and now I can’t believe I walked a real castle. That’s interesting. There are many castles in the UK. I have been to three castles in the UK, such us Nottingham Castle, Stirling Monument, and Edinburgh Castle. These are different for us. Allen said many castles are public ownership in the UK. Allen have a friend who really likes to visit castles, so he bought a season ticket for one year. And he can use this ticket to visit all castles when he has free time.
The Edinburgh castles stories talked about Scotland and England state before and Mary Queen of Scotland stories. We saw the great hall, military stronghold, The Scottish National War Memorial, The National War Museum, Royal Palace, Kings and Queens lived places, Scotland’s Crown Jewels, the Stone of Destiny, the Prisons of War, and dismal dungeons. We saw a big stone but we don’t know why showed it. Then we listened to the guide, we know The Stone of Destiny, this ancient coronation seat of kings was used for 400 years before. So this stone is a important stone, if someone wanted to be a king. He needed this stone. That’s interesting.

2nd Jan 2009 Edinburgh City Sightseeing
Seventh day, we stayed in Edinburgh last day. So we bought City Sightseeing tickets to look around all Edinburgh City. We took two times by different City Sightseeing. First City Sightseeing, the tour guide used English language tell passengers about Edinburgh’s scenic spots. Second City Sightseeing, we used earphones to listen an exposition. I know Edinburgh city is Scotland’s capital. And Scotland and England had many Warfare before. We saw the Scottish use Scotland’s flag. The Scottish really like a checkered design, such us kilts, scarves, blankets, sweaters, and clothing.
Allen’s son Willie said “The Scottish usually wear kilts to celebrate important days”, such us, wedding, graduation ceremony, and important meetings. And different Scottish families use different checkered design kilts. My son said he can’t believe the man wear skirts in here. He said he would never wear skirt. I told him the handsome man can wear the kilt in here. The kilt is formal clothing in Scotland. That’s interesting.
We decided to visit the Museum of Childhood when we looked at travel book after. We saw a small paper to stamp on the door when we arrived here. The paper was written “we close today, open tomorrow”. My son and daughter were sad and unhappy, because we did not come back again. That’s too bad. We looked around the front of the museum. I saw a different shop. There are many ceremonial dresses and use different checkered design in the window. I thought maybe this dress for the wedding, because it’s gorgeous and beautiful. I really like it. But I didn’t buy it, because I wouldn’t wear it in Taiwan. So I took one photo with the dress for my memory. Then we went shopping to buy some gifts for our Taiwan’s family.

3rd Jan 2009 Glasgow big shopping centre
Eighth day, Allen took us to Scotland’s biggest shopping centre. This shopping centre is Allen’s working area. He is a manger in this shopping centre. We saw a big a skating rink when we walked into the first building. That’s cool. There are many restaurants in the skating rink side, and the first floor have a big council library and shops. There are to link different big building, such us big supermarkets, a large cinema, a big skating rink, many shopping malls, two big parking areas, a big council library, and many different restaurants. People can go here all day, playing, shopping, eating, see a movie, skating, and window shopping. That’s fantastic. At this time, everything had discount. We bought some gifts for our family and our Taiwan’s friends.
This night was our last night in Scotland. We still enjoyed our time. We and Allen’s son talked about Britain’s system of education, because they grow up in here. My husband and I are high school teachers. My husband is our high school manager in Taiwan. So we want to know Britain’s system of education. That can help us to change our high school system. And we can think about our student’s and children’s education. We really appreciated our Taiwanese friends, Allen and his family. They are so friendly and warm-hearted to us. They said they often come back to Taiwan two years once. If they come back to Taiwan, we shall take care of them. We look forward to meet them next time.

4th Jan 2009 come back to Nottingham
We are so happy and lucky in my holiday, because the weather was great in Scotland every day. So we never see snow day in Scotland. We took 8 hours to come back to Nottingham, and changed 6 trains. Everyone must work tomorrow, so all the trains very crowded. We still enjoy our traveling and excited everything. And we took over 3000 photos in this traveling. I don’t know when we can come back to Scotland. But I know we have great memories, we never forget. Now I write this long essay, I still enjoy it. Thanks. Everything will be great for us.