2009年3月31日 星期二

2009/03/31HW-My life so far

HW- My life so far Teacher: Nick 31st March 2009 By Nina Wang

If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn’t have lived in England for one year. My husband had a chace to come to study Master degree in the UK. If he had chosen to come to England alone, we wouldn’t have spent more money in our life. My parents would have liked me to stay with my children in Taiwan. They wanted us to save our money, because we had to take a loan from the bank for this study. Finaly, we chose to stop our job for one year, then we and our children studied English together. Now we live and studying English in the UK. That’s our drems. I knew that studying English is difficult for me. In my future, Iwould like to study English more. I would like to get a Phd about family education in my country. Then I can get more information in the world, and that would help children in my country. That’s great for me.

2009年3月27日 星期五

2009/03/26 HW- Movie: Miss Potter

HW- Movie: Miss Potter Teacher: Nick
26th Mar 2009 By Nina Wang

Miss Potter is a creative artist. She is a British writer, who wrote and created a series about Peter Rabbit stories. Her autobiography was made the movie. The movie is called Miss Potter. I saw the movie last month. Miss Potter’s story is gripping and electrifying.
When she’s young, she always had many creative ideas about animal stroies. She drew pictures in her creative ideas and wrote down many animal stories. She loved animals and talked about her creative stories with her friends, but her parents didn’t like it. Miss Potter never gave up her drawing. When she grew up the young lady, who wanted to publish her creation. Peter Rabbit’s story was the groundbreaking for her.
She published first a drawing masterpiece, the Peter Rabbit’s drawing novel was popular. She fell in love with a young publisher, but her parents didn’t like it. She still decided to marry him. At the moment, the young publisher got a terrible pneumonia and died. She was sad and decided to leave her parents, but she worried about money. When she checked her account in the bank, she got a breathtaking answer. The banker told her “ Miss Potter, your account has adequate money to buy many lands.” Then she decided to live Lake District in England, and continued her drawing.
She loved the Lake District, this place is natural and beautiful veiw. She bought many Lake District lands, and environmental protection. When she died, she donated all her land and house to her country, the UK. Now everyone can go sightseeing and see beautiful natural views in the Lake District. I think Miss Potter is an incomparable and environmental artist,and writer. Her outstanding creation, Peter Rabbit is still popular all over world.
Miss Potter’s life story touched my heart. I will plan to go to the Lake District, enjoy her story and her creation with my family. I believe my children love and enjoy it.

2009年3月25日 星期三

Monday, 16 March 2009

Teacher Charlie's Homework
Teacher Charlie's Homework part11)established what has been done and what still needs to be done to finish the magazine2)decided who will carry out tasks that need to be completed3)proofread your magazine to check for mistakes and make sure the work is all yours4)interviewed another student or member of staff about a topic of your choiceOur magazine was finished on last Friday. We checked our magazine that was written by ourselves. And we interviewed teacher Charlie, we asked some questions to him.Our interview is " Interveiw Charlie. mp4 ". [ I try to share online, but it isn't working , the film file is too big over 100M. Teacher Charlie's Homework part2You must post the following information on your blog:1)what your magazine was aboutWe wanted to give more information to new students about Nottingham City. Because when we first day came Nottingham, we don't know where we can go. So we topic is where you can go, and wrote life styles, shopping area, education, Robin hood's story, city of caves, and Green's windmill about Nottingham City. Finally, we interview our teacher, Charlie, about how to improve our English. 2)who worked in your groupSuad, Abdulrama, Francesco, and Nina is me.3)what you did in the groupWhat’s Life in Nottingham and Main shopping area (by Suad)About Nottingham Education - Trent University (by Abdulrama) Who is Robin Hood? (by Francesco)About City of Caves and Green’s Windmill (by Nina)Interveiw work (by Francesco and Nina)4)what were the advantages and disadvantages of working collaboratively and cooperatively with the others in your groupI think our advantages are we can learn more English by teamwork.I think our disadvantage are we hadn't free time to talk about our project, and we are forigners made magazine quite difficult.Our teamwork are collaboratively, we chose big topic then everyone chose small topic to write and search website information to link together. And I like to use computer skills to made our magazine. Finally, we finished. 5)what you enjoyed and what you didn’t enjoy about the projectI enjoyed our project, because I know if I finished I can learn more English. That's different English learing. Although I hadn't free time to write and I tired, but I enjoy it. And now I have a English Blog. I try to write my eassy and read Charlie's blog and another student's blog. I know more how to improve my English information. The students blog share more information about IELTS text and improve speaking, listening, reading, and writting experience. That's useful. 6)what you learned from the experience of working on this projectI learned more skills on this project. When we did this project, I learned speaking, listening, reading, writting , and use computer skills. I needed to talk and listen my classmates to choose our topic when we was working together. I needed to read information on website and write down my eassy in our magazine by myself. Then I used my computer to link our small topic together, and to make professional magazine. It's quite difficult, because we have no free time and we are foreigners. 7)how you think it could be improved in futureI think about my blog, maybe I can write down my eassys in England. I think about I maybe to link my student's blog in the future, and open the topic to push my students write and discuss. That's will be interesting.
Posted by NinaWangBlog at 14:22 1 comments
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Thursday, 12 March 2009

Hello Welcome to NinaWang's Blog
Hi, my name is Nina Wang, I'm from Taiwan.I'm studying English in Nottingham, at ILS school.I've lived here for six month with my family.I've two children, they are pupils, five and seven years old.I'm enjoying my English life.Nice to meet you in my blog.

2009年3月24日 星期二

2009/0324 HW- People live to 100

24 March 2009 homework--Teacher Nick
A society in which many people live to 100 is undesirable discuss
By Nina Wang

Everyone will have long lifes in the future. Medical advances can help everyone to enjoy their lifes. We could expect to see world’s people to have longer lifes. If everyone has longer life, and first question is how to plan longer life in the future. That’s a good idea for people.

People have longer lifes, they have many advantages. They will have much time for travel, follow their dreams, join sport activities, study what they want to study, and enjoy life with their children or grandchildren. If people want to enjoy a longer life to do something, that should be have best health body in ther future.

Conversely, people have many disadvantages about longer life. They need to pay much money to their healthcare, no job opportunities, and low quality of life. If people no best health body and no plan in longer life, they maybe bored about their hutrue life.

Eeveyone will be old, and what longer life in ther future. I always worry about my parents and my husband’s parents are old. I need to take care of my children and them. If they have good health that’s great. But if not best, I need to take care them, because they need many healthcare costs. Then my country children must responsible to take care of old parents. That may cause stress in my future.

2009/03/01 HW-Write about your trip and what you found out about Islam

HW: Write about your trip and what you found out about Islam
by Nina Wang 1st March 2009

When Charlie gave us a paper about Islam, I knew Islam was a major world religion, with over 1 billion followers worldwide (1/5 of the world population). Wow, it’s big number. I had never seen the Muslim about Islam. When I came to England, I saw many different racial and many Muslims in here. In my experience, Chinese and Taiwanese religion are Buddha. So I’m a Buddhist. Today we had a chance to know about the Islam.
I prepared some qustions, becasue I was so nervous. I always worried about my speaking and listening. But I thought this trip is good for me. I spoke to three different people, Amina, Halimah, Susu. They come from different countrys. One of the girl come from China. I can’t believe it, because nobody is Muslim in China. She told us she became a Muslism for eight month in England. And she had wearing headscarf on her head all the time. She said it was a religious obligation for Muslim women for modesty reasons. And Islam’s God is Allah, Allah told all Muslim need peace and control desire. So all the women need to wear handscarf on her head when she goes to outside.
I knew many rules about Islam. Another girl told me each Muslim women have a Muslim man guardian. Usually the guardian is the girl’s father. If the girl’s father died, her guardian is her brother. If the girl got married, her guardian is her husband. All the Muslim have extreme religion, they have obligations and doing Ramadan to their life. They don’t get married with non-Muslims. And men and women are different rules. Men and Women seperate a place in the Mosque.
I think different coutries have different cultures, and all the religion in the world, purpose is peace. But I don’t like radical and extreme religion in my life. So I think I will never be a Muslim, becuase they have many rules to women. I really don’t like these manners. But I think everyone has a religion is good.

Teacher Charlie said:
This is a very informative piece of writing. You’ve included a lot of good points. Make sure you use past tenses as you are writing about the past. Also, try to divide the first paragraph into another paragraph as you are talking about two ideas.


1) 一般病情:
He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他覺得頭痛、噁心和想吐。)
He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)
He began to feel tired. (他感到疲倦。)
He feels light-headed. (他覺得頭暈。)
Her head is pounding. (她頭痛。)
He has been lacking in energy. (他感到虛弱。)
He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他覺得昏昏欲睡,頭暈目眩和想吐。)
He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他發覺聽力差些。)

2) 傷風感冒:
He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽帶有綠黃色的痰。)
He has been sneezing. (他一直在打噴嚏。)
He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (他有發燒,筋骨痠痛和常常咳嗽。) (hacking = constant)
He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他傷風咳嗽。)
He has a headache, aching bones and joints. (他頭痛,骨頭、關節也痛。)
He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. (他聲音嘶啞,有時失聲。)
He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。)

3) 手腳毛病:
His both hands and feet ache all over. (他兩手兩腳都很痠痛。)
His ankles look puffy. (他的足踝好像腫了)
He is troubled with painful muscles and joints. (他的筋骨和關節都痛。)

4) 睡眠不好:
He is sleeping poorly.(他睡不好)
He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate.(他不易入睡,也難集中精神。)
He has nightmares occasionally.(他有時做噩夢。)

5) 呼吸方面:
His breathing has become increasingly difficult.(他呼吸越來越困難。)
His cough is dry, producing no phlegm.(他乾咳。)
His nose stuffed up.(他鼻子不通。)
He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating.(他胸部覺得悶悶的,好像透不過氣來。)

He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齒有問題。)
The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時,牙齒就痛。)
His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床紅腫。)
There are cracks at the corners of his mouth. (他的嘴角落破了。)

7) 腸胃毛病:
He has bouts of abdominal pain. (他有一陣陣的肚痛。)
He feels bloated in his abdominal area. (他感到肚子脹脹的。)
(註:脹脹的,像「puff up」,但不是真正的腫「swell up」。)
He has nausea and vomiting. (他有惡心和嘔吐。)
He has passed more gas than usual. (他放…比平常多。)
He has been constipated for a few days. (他便秘了好幾天。)
He has trouble with diarrhea. (他拉肚子。)

8) 血壓等等:
His blood pressure is really up. (他的血壓很高。)
He has a sharp pain in one area of his spine. (他的脊椎某部位刺痛。)
His vision in the right eye blurred. (他右眼視線模糊不清。)
He has a repeated buzzing or other noises in his ears. (他耳朵常有嗡嗡的聲音。)

2009/2/25 Homework- Chinese New Year

Homework Chinese New Year by Nina Wang [from Taiwan] 25th Feb 2009

Taiwan is a democratic country, China is a communist country, although China and Taiwan are different countrys, we use the same language and life style. Becasue we are the same country before one hundred years. If I introduce about Taiwan’s traditional holiday, I would introduce Chinese New Year. Chinese New year is big holiday in my country. And we usually celebate 15 days about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese eat traditional dinner with family together and stay up all night on New Year's Eve. We eat traditional food on New Year, such as rice cakes, spring rolls, dumplings, and rice glue balls etc. And each food has a good fortune symbol of Chinese New Year. Every Chinese children hope to get red envelops, because the red envelop is a money gift. We use twelve animals to count 12 traditional years cycle. And this year is Ox year. Chinese use 12 animals count our ages. I am a Tiger, because I was born in Tiger year. Each animal has a different personality and different characteristics. That’s interesting.
The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the end of Chinese New year celebration. This day we call Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival is a China’s traditional festival. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.